Friday, September 2, 2011

now where do i go?

im gonna level with you, sometimes i am insecure and sometimes i am just plain lazy.  i have had a few ideas about blog posts but was a little wary about the direction i wanted to go.   i like to bounce ideas off of the husband (hereafter refered to as "mark") and luckily have realized that he might not be the best person.  i have dubbed him 'mark fullen, dasher of hope and killer of dreams'.
here are some recent blog titles that have been vetoed:
thank god shark week is over, I just started my period
mommy has big boobs and daddy has a big belly
mommy is naked
member when I was playing checkers in your belly?
chocolate milk and blow jobs
the military bumper sticker
you’re not that funny, dory
laugh, god dammit!
hunting is for pussies
mark and gym

since he has been fired and i am officially on my own, there will be NO moral compass, let me know what you want to hear.  i am a writer for the people!  blah blah, i am boring myself.....